
25 tips for practicing better self-care

What is self-care? 

Self-care is any activity we carry out to care for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Sounds simple, but it’s often the one thing we overlook when it comes to taking care of ourselves. 

Agnes Wainman explained that self-care is “something that refuels us, rather than takes from us,” and we couldn’t agree more. When first becoming familiar with the concept of self-care, it might be useful to write a list of things you no longer want to do, or know you don’t like. For example: not checking social media as soon as you wake up, not answering emails after a certain time, or not answering phone calls whilst you’re eating.


One big thing to remember when it comes to self-care is this: Self-care is not selfish. It’s an important thing we should all do on a daily basis. It’s essential if you’re struggling with mental ill-health or chronic stress. 

With that being said, here’s a list of self-care inspiration.

Self-Care Inspiration 

  1. Phone a friend or family member for a chat. Shoot the breeze. Tell them how much they mean to you. It’s easy to feel isolated when you have a mental illness – take the time to call a loved one, if only for five minutes of your day. 
  2. Read a favourite book or get lost in the pages of a new story you’ve always wanted to read. We find reading a great way to quiet our loud minds, and discover new places through someone else’s words. 
  3. Exercise – If you are able, take thirty minutes to exercise, or even just 5 minutes to take a walk and listen to nature around you. 
  4. Listen to some uplifting music. Crank up the volume and listen to a favourite playlist on Spotify, or an album that never ceases to make you feel better. 
  5. Journaling – Spend ten minutes a day writing (or even drawing) in a journal. 
  6. Join our Facebook Group, we have an amazing, safe, and understanding environment to share your thoughts and feelings.
  7. Movie or Netflix binge. Getting lost in the realms of a film or a brilliant Netflix box set gives your body and mind time to unwind and relax. 
  8. Practise some mindfulness – using all of your senses, focus on the way something sounds, feels, tastes, looks, and smells. This kind of mindfulness helps to clear the mind and ground ourselves in the here and now, rather than anxiously looking too far into the future of what if’s and maybe’s. 
  9. Set boundaries and learn to say no.
  10. Delete one person a week from social media that doesn’t contribute to your happiness. 
  11. Wake up an hour earlier and enjoy the quiet.
  12. Remember that it’s ok to ask for help.
  13. Stock up on healthy non-perishable foods for days you feel like you just can’t get out. Soups, noodles, granola bars, cereal, protein bars and shakes.
  14. Fill some water bottles and keep them in areas you frequent when down: desk, bed, couch.
  15. Set phone reminders for taking meds, appointments, bills. 
  16. Ask if the pharmacy delivers medications. 
  17. Changing your environment even a small bit can help. Rearrange stuff, hang up stuff that you love.
  18. Open windows on cooler days. Moving air helps the brain.
  19. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with the smallest task – even finishing that is a victory.
  20. Bedroom dance parties.
  21. Make a playlist of happy songs.
  22. Get outside and sit in the sounds of nature. 
  23. Create a mood board. 
  24. Do something creative. 
  25. Make lists of things you’re proud of.

Remember, you aren’t alone. It’s okay to talk about not being okay and we’re here to listen. If you’re struggling, reach out to us.

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