Everyone has a story to tell; each one of us writes poetry – some, without even realising. That stream of consciousness that runs in our veins? It’s poetry waiting to be written. We believe in the power of words, and that power is what urged us set up PoetsIN.
It’s because of those inner streams, that we are bringing you all a regular interview feature, Writer Profiles. An interview with a writer. This week it’s the beautiful Ruby Pond.
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa, and feast your eyes on this week’s writer profile.

What is your relationship with words and how has that evolved?
Words and I go way back. I don’t recall a time when they had no meaning for me. When communicating, every word we use has the potential to deliver a message all its own and choosing the right one can be the difference in being understood or misunderstood. And I think we all want to be understood. I think, sometimes even more than being liked, we want people to “get us”. I seem to devote a lot of energy to finding the right words to convey my thoughts in written and oral communication. Whoever thought of that saying, “sticks and stones…”, were surely not speaking for the majority, I hope! And so, I find nothing can make me feel better than beautiful words and certainly nothing makes me feel worse than the hurtful ones.
How long have you been writing, what is your favourite style of writing and why?
Well, as most of us can’t remember our first words, I can’t remember exactly how old I was when I started writing. I know I wrote my first poem around the age of 5 or 6 and nothing satisfied me more than a piece of paper and a pencil as a child. As far as style of writing, there is not one favorite. For me, it is kind of mood driven. I love poetry! All styles of poetry. But, I love, love rhyming poetry! To read or to write. By the time you reach my age, (50’s) you have a lot of hard protective covering that tends to be pretty impenetrable, (just the results of living life), and if you don’t want to be a recluse, hopefully you find those tools in life that you can use to bore through that hard shell. I have different tools that come in all sizes and kinds. Some are people that have stolen a place in my heart that will always be theirs. Like my children, my husband, my family. And some are things like prayer and music and art. I’ve dabbled in songwriting too and play guitar, and keyboard and sing just enough to accompany my written words. Poetry, especially beautiful metered, rhyming poetry, is one of these as well. Lately, I have been attempting some of the classic forms of poetry and have really enjoyed the challenge of this! I also love writing stories! All sorts of stories. I have written two unpublished children’s books that still need editing and a book of poetry that I have been playing with for far too long, trying to self-publish. But, my technical skills have the upper hand-so far! Lol! I also have two unfinished novels that if I could just get myself in gear, I might actually finish! (I used to be a lot harder on myself.) Yet, I have learned that I am a big time procrastinator, complicated by a busy life, devoted to always something more important than my writing. Yet, I am okay with that. Though some may think that I should push myself a little harder perhaps, stay focused, expect a little more of myself, I think the fact that I don’t, allows me to stay in love with writing and never bore or tire of it.
Many of us within this group have experienced times where writing has helped us overcome times of pain, describe the first time you realised the true of power of words.
In my twenties and thirties, I lived what I feel was a very adventurous life. I had a medical career, served one term in the United States Army, and so I traveled a bit. Both, in relation to duty stations and also, because it was easy to do at the time. I had some unforgettable experiences, no regrets, yet all the repercussions of well – just life! That full life also left me with a lot of knee falling, tear jerking, personal loss and grief. (As tends to happen.) And during that time I wrote everyday. I wrote dark and journaled and used my pen as my therapist. It was a long, slow process, but it worked! And it allowed me to move on and find my soulmate and finally at the age of 35 start my family.
Many writers love to read. What is your favourite book and why?
Oh, I love to read! Always have. My biggest challenge these days though, is finding the time. I do manage to get through it, but it takes a lot longer because of distractions now. Recently though I read a “can’t put it down”, book. “My Absolute Darling”, by Gabriel Talent. First “can’t put it down”, I’ve read in a while, and finished it in a week. “1984”, was a recent book that I’d never read before and if you happen to have never read it, I recommend you do. One of my all time favorites is “The Thornbirds”, which you probably remember was also a TV mini-series (I think in the 80’s). I had just finished the book when the movie came out, and as much as I liked the series and it helped put faces on the characters, as always, the book was so much better!
I don’t really have a favorite genre. As far as authors go, I run the gamut between Stephen King and Danielle Steele. Dean Koontz was a go to author for me for a long time too. Oh, and Norman Maclean wrote another of my favorite, “A River Runs Through IT”, and of course, I can’t possibly leave out Dr. Suess.
Sum up yourself in a haiku or poem.
I cheated on this part a little and pulled this from my files. Just a fun little poem.
A Precious Are The Times
Did you ever stop to ponder?
Pull a chair and sit in wonder?
‘Bout the universe and such?
What we feel and what we touch?
Where our words are met in movement,
giving actions some improvement
Explanations quite the stretch,
pulled by thoughts we’ve sat and etched
In the trenches of our plotting,
all our i’s that we spend dotting
Needs to be a time for feeling
Send emotions out there reeling
Grab a pen and get a writin’
Lots of nourishment for bitin’
Drink it up while you’re a thinkin’;
Pitch an anchor, don’t be sinkin’
Don’t waste your time a frettin’
Nor, spend your days regrettin’
Try to catch someone a winkin’
‘Twill all be over – in a blinkin’
© 2016 RubyPond All Rights Reserved
We all have moments where we truly connect with words we read. What quote inspires you the most. Why?
“Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it.” Though I am not real clear on the original author of the quote. Charles R. Swindell seems to be given the most credit for it. Though I have seen other authors taking credit as well. Whomever it is, I can’t think of a quote I agree with more!
Describe your writing process.
You know, there probably is not a real method to my madness. I have suffered with insomnia all of my life and for many years my words came to me in the wee hour of the night. Now, not so much so. There really does not seem to be a time or special place anymore, it just again, falls back to taking the time to sit and put pen to paper, whenever and however that may be. I have discovered that I do like to use picture prompts though.
Writer’s block, real or a myth?
Well, I have a feeling most will disagree with me on this. But, I am and always have been a “glass half full” person. I also believe that your words form your world (my husband’s favorite phrase) and so, because of that, would never agree that writer’s block is real. Not that people don’t feel blocked or hindered in some way. I believe it is a very real feeling. I just think that perhaps we look at it wrong. Especially for a creative writer. I believe writing is a talent that we are given and that for some, maybe that means seasonal. And that perhaps there are times when we are meant to write and times that we are not. And quite frankly, if you have nothing to write at the time, perhaps it is your season to do something else. To take in life in other ways, so that you will be refilled and ready when it is your time again. And it will be your time again! Sweating over it does nothing to help. For people who write for a living, technical writing and blog writing and such, I believe they must have found the secret tools. (And I understand that there are tools that people use, though I’m not aware of what they are.) I’ve only done creative writing. So, if you want to believe it’s real, I am sure all of us could tie certain times in our life to a “writer’s block”. But, I prefer not to give “it” that power. So, I say relax and go with it. If you can think of nothing to write, then don’t waste your days banging your head against the wall. Go out and live and do things that you might not be able to do if you were writing. After all, we are vessels that require refilling. Go get filled! When it is time to spill your ink….nothing will stop you!
What is your favourite word?
I admit, I never thought about a favorite word until now, and after rolling a few over my tongue to see if I liked one better than another, this is one that kept coming back to me. Perhaps because I was “perplexed” by this question. Ha!
“Perplex”, … I like the sound of it! It sounds like it’s definition and it’s a thinking word just by the nature of what it means.
Finish this sentence… Words are the epitome of…
Who we are! I’m a big believer in minding your words when you talk. Because, the words you choose do reflect who you are inside just as much as influence who you are inside. I do believe in freedom of speech, but what we speak to ourselves and into our world should be the things we desire, not loathe. So, I do try to practice this, though I admit, not always successful.
Our biggest thanks to Ruby.
Want to read more of Ruby Pond? Aside from the Facebook Groups, PoetsIN and PoetryAskew, Ruby recently had the privilege of having a short story and a poem published in Rhetoric Askew Anthology, Volume 3 and Volume 4. She also has a website https://www.rubypondallthatiswriterly.com/ with some of her poetry and short stories published there as well. What are you waiting for? Go and Follow her, now!
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Everyone has a story to tell; each one of us writes poetry – some, without even realising. That stream of consciousness that runs in our veins? It’s poetry waiting to be written. We believe in the power of words, and that power is what urged us set up PoetsIN.
It’s because of those inner streams, that we are bringing you all a regular interview feature, Writer Profiles. An interview with a writer. This week it’s the beautiful Ruby Pond.
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa, and feast your eyes on this week’s writer profile.
What is your relationship with words and how has that evolved?
Words and I go way back. I don’t recall a time when they had no meaning for me. When communicating, every word we use has the potential to deliver a message all its own and choosing the right one can be the difference in being understood or misunderstood. And I think we all want to be understood. I think, sometimes even more than being liked, we want people to “get us”. I seem to devote a lot of energy to finding the right words to convey my thoughts in written and oral communication. Whoever thought of that saying, “sticks and stones…”, were surely not speaking for the majority, I hope! And so, I find nothing can make me feel better than beautiful words and certainly nothing makes me feel worse than the hurtful ones.
How long have you been writing, what is your favourite style of writing and why?
Well, as most of us can’t remember our first words, I can’t remember exactly how old I was when I started writing. I know I wrote my first poem around the age of 5 or 6 and nothing satisfied me more than a piece of paper and a pencil as a child. As far as style of writing, there is not one favorite. For me, it is kind of mood driven. I love poetry! All styles of poetry. But, I love, love rhyming poetry! To read or to write. By the time you reach my age, (50’s) you have a lot of hard protective covering that tends to be pretty impenetrable, (just the results of living life), and if you don’t want to be a recluse, hopefully you find those tools in life that you can use to bore through that hard shell. I have different tools that come in all sizes and kinds. Some are people that have stolen a place in my heart that will always be theirs. Like my children, my husband, my family. And some are things like prayer and music and art. I’ve dabbled in songwriting too and play guitar, and keyboard and sing just enough to accompany my written words. Poetry, especially beautiful metered, rhyming poetry, is one of these as well. Lately, I have been attempting some of the classic forms of poetry and have really enjoyed the challenge of this! I also love writing stories! All sorts of stories. I have written two unpublished children’s books that still need editing and a book of poetry that I have been playing with for far too long, trying to self-publish. But, my technical skills have the upper hand-so far! Lol! I also have two unfinished novels that if I could just get myself in gear, I might actually finish! (I used to be a lot harder on myself.) Yet, I have learned that I am a big time procrastinator, complicated by a busy life, devoted to always something more important than my writing. Yet, I am okay with that. Though some may think that I should push myself a little harder perhaps, stay focused, expect a little more of myself, I think the fact that I don’t, allows me to stay in love with writing and never bore or tire of it.
Many of us within this group have experienced times where writing has helped us overcome times of pain, describe the first time you realised the true of power of words.
In my twenties and thirties, I lived what I feel was a very adventurous life. I had a medical career, served one term in the United States Army, and so I traveled a bit. Both, in relation to duty stations and also, because it was easy to do at the time. I had some unforgettable experiences, no regrets, yet all the repercussions of well – just life! That full life also left me with a lot of knee falling, tear jerking, personal loss and grief. (As tends to happen.) And during that time I wrote everyday. I wrote dark and journaled and used my pen as my therapist. It was a long, slow process, but it worked! And it allowed me to move on and find my soulmate and finally at the age of 35 start my family.
Many writers love to read. What is your favourite book and why?
Oh, I love to read! Always have. My biggest challenge these days though, is finding the time. I do manage to get through it, but it takes a lot longer because of distractions now. Recently though I read a “can’t put it down”, book. “My Absolute Darling”, by Gabriel Talent. First “can’t put it down”, I’ve read in a while, and finished it in a week. “1984”, was a recent book that I’d never read before and if you happen to have never read it, I recommend you do. One of my all time favorites is “The Thornbirds”, which you probably remember was also a TV mini-series (I think in the 80’s). I had just finished the book when the movie came out, and as much as I liked the series and it helped put faces on the characters, as always, the book was so much better!
I don’t really have a favorite genre. As far as authors go, I run the gamut between Stephen King and Danielle Steele. Dean Koontz was a go to author for me for a long time too. Oh, and Norman Maclean wrote another of my favorite, “A River Runs Through IT”, and of course, I can’t possibly leave out Dr. Suess.
Sum up yourself in a haiku or poem.
I cheated on this part a little and pulled this from my files. Just a fun little poem.
A Precious Are The Times
Did you ever stop to ponder?
Pull a chair and sit in wonder?
‘Bout the universe and such?
What we feel and what we touch?
Where our words are met in movement,
giving actions some improvement
Explanations quite the stretch,
pulled by thoughts we’ve sat and etched
In the trenches of our plotting,
all our i’s that we spend dotting
Needs to be a time for feeling
Send emotions out there reeling
Grab a pen and get a writin’
Lots of nourishment for bitin’
Drink it up while you’re a thinkin’;
Pitch an anchor, don’t be sinkin’
Don’t waste your time a frettin’
Nor, spend your days regrettin’
Try to catch someone a winkin’
‘Twill all be over – in a blinkin’
© 2016 RubyPond All Rights Reserved
We all have moments where we truly connect with words we read. What quote inspires you the most. Why?
“Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it.” Though I am not real clear on the original author of the quote. Charles R. Swindell seems to be given the most credit for it. Though I have seen other authors taking credit as well. Whomever it is, I can’t think of a quote I agree with more!
Describe your writing process.
You know, there probably is not a real method to my madness. I have suffered with insomnia all of my life and for many years my words came to me in the wee hour of the night. Now, not so much so. There really does not seem to be a time or special place anymore, it just again, falls back to taking the time to sit and put pen to paper, whenever and however that may be. I have discovered that I do like to use picture prompts though.
Writer’s block, real or a myth?
Well, I have a feeling most will disagree with me on this. But, I am and always have been a “glass half full” person. I also believe that your words form your world (my husband’s favorite phrase) and so, because of that, would never agree that writer’s block is real. Not that people don’t feel blocked or hindered in some way. I believe it is a very real feeling. I just think that perhaps we look at it wrong. Especially for a creative writer. I believe writing is a talent that we are given and that for some, maybe that means seasonal. And that perhaps there are times when we are meant to write and times that we are not. And quite frankly, if you have nothing to write at the time, perhaps it is your season to do something else. To take in life in other ways, so that you will be refilled and ready when it is your time again. And it will be your time again! Sweating over it does nothing to help. For people who write for a living, technical writing and blog writing and such, I believe they must have found the secret tools. (And I understand that there are tools that people use, though I’m not aware of what they are.) I’ve only done creative writing. So, if you want to believe it’s real, I am sure all of us could tie certain times in our life to a “writer’s block”. But, I prefer not to give “it” that power. So, I say relax and go with it. If you can think of nothing to write, then don’t waste your days banging your head against the wall. Go out and live and do things that you might not be able to do if you were writing. After all, we are vessels that require refilling. Go get filled! When it is time to spill your ink….nothing will stop you!
What is your favourite word?
I admit, I never thought about a favorite word until now, and after rolling a few over my tongue to see if I liked one better than another, this is one that kept coming back to me. Perhaps because I was “perplexed” by this question. Ha!
“Perplex”, … I like the sound of it! It sounds like it’s definition and it’s a thinking word just by the nature of what it means.
Finish this sentence… Words are the epitome of…
Who we are! I’m a big believer in minding your words when you talk. Because, the words you choose do reflect who you are inside just as much as influence who you are inside. I do believe in freedom of speech, but what we speak to ourselves and into our world should be the things we desire, not loathe. So, I do try to practice this, though I admit, not always successful.
Our biggest thanks to Ruby.
Want to read more of Ruby Pond? Aside from the Facebook Groups, PoetsIN and PoetryAskew, Ruby recently had the privilege of having a short story and a poem published in Rhetoric Askew Anthology, Volume 3 and Volume 4. She also has a website https://www.rubypondallthatiswriterly.com/ with some of her poetry and short stories published there as well. What are you waiting for? Go and Follow her, now!