
In these unpredictable and uncertain times, those with mental ill-health have seen it worsen, and those without mental illness have begun to feel the effects of anxiety – often for the first time.

PoetsIN have always helped people manage their mental health and wellbeing and are delighted to be able to offer help to those feeling the repercussions of being on the frontline for free.

Thanks to The Evelyn Trust and BLCF (as part of the Bedfordshire Coronavirus Emergency Response Fund) we are able to deliver free one hour-long mental health workshops to key workers in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire plus some groups within the community.

The workshops focus on wellbeing, will arm you with tools to manage stress, anxiety and depression and are interactive, fun and offer a safe space within which to purge and communicate for an hour.

They are delivered via Zoom to groups of 10 and can be done through smartphones, tablets, laptops or PCs. Where data is an issue, we have the option to call in via phone only.

What’s Involved?

The PoetsIN IN-Person Creative Mental Health Programme™ is a proven workshop that uses the power of words, both written and in discussion alongside a supportive online community. Participants report a 99% reduction in the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.

These one hour sessions are a little taster of those workshops and focus on wellbeing, leaving you with tools to manage stress, anxiety, worry and depression. Sessions are interactive, fun and a safe space within which to purge and share for an hour.

We are not expecting you to write like Shakespeare or even at all. All we ask is you keep an open mind, try it out and join in. We use some industry standard techniques as well as some put together by the co-founders of PoetsIN – both of whom have struggled with and manage their mental health through these methods.”

Who is Eligible?

The people who will benefit in Bedfordshire (& surrounding areas:)

200 NHS, health care, social care and care home staff

150 Emergency services police, fire brigade, paramedics, A&E staff

100 Education (those still looking after key worker’s children) and childcare staff

100 Workers in the supply chain (supermarkets, delivery drivers etc)

200 People struggling within the community.

Funding awarded by BLCF as part of the Bedfordshire Coronavirus Emergency Response Fund.

The people we would like to benefit in Cambridgeshire areas:

100 NHS, health care, social care and care home staff

100 Emergency services police, fire brigade, paramedics, A&E staff

100 Education (those still looking after key worker’s children) and childcare staff

100 Workers in the supply chain (supermarkets, delivery drivers etc)

Funding awarded by The Evelyn Trust

How to Book

Collate your group of ten people (with a minimum of five) together and email us at bookings@poetsin.com with your preferred date and time and we’ll be in touch.

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